A pioneering approach to nutrient removal

A pioneering approach to nutrient removal

Treating 130 million gallons of water daily, Dixie Drain Phosphorus Removal Facility is the first of its kind in the U.S. and considered a model facility in watershed-based approaches to meeting total maximum daily load limits. Located 34 miles downstream from Boise’s primary water renewal facilities, the facility collects ground and surface water from agricultural operations in the lower Boise River watershed, removing 140 pounds of phosphorus per day (10 tons annually). For every pound uncollected at a Boise upstream facility, 1.5 pounds are removed downstream at the Dixie Drain Phosphorus Removal Facility, yielding significant environmental benefits to the Boise and Snake rivers. The facility was awarded the 2017 Grand Award by the American Council of Engineering Companies and the 2018 Public Works Project of the Year Award by the American Public Works Association.