Hiring FAQs

What jobs are currently available at Brown and Caldwell?

To view a listing of current job openings, you will need to search our job listings. You can choose to narrow your search using the pull down menu to select which location(s) you are interested in or leave the “Any” selected to review a listing of all jobs. To select more than one job location but not all, use the “Shift” and “Ctrl” buttons in conjunction with your mouse to highlight desired locations. To view job details click on the job title.

Do you accept unsolicited resumes?

We do accept unsolicited resumes, however, we strongly encourage you to register and apply online for a specific job listing.

How do I submit my resume?

After searching our job listings, each job description you view will have an “Apply Now” button at the bottom that will allow you to apply using our on-line resume submittal form. If you are not applying for a specific job opening you can still submit a generic application via the “Current Openings” main page. Once you are brought to the resume submittal form, fill in the required information and please be sure to choose a source, letting us know how you heard about us. Once you hit the submit button, your resume will be linked to the job opening you applied for and will also become part of our searchable database. Submitting your resume more than once will not increase your chances of being contacted. We will contact you if your skills and qualifications match a job we are trying to fill. Resumes received via our online submittal process reach the database almost instantaneously.

What is the difference between submitting a general application form and applying for a specific job opening?

Both processes use an on-line submittal form. Applying with a general application form is a good option if there is not a job opening that you are qualified for or if the specific job you are looking for isn’t listed. However, when you apply with a general application form your resume will only be viewed if a search is conducted for a candidate with you qualifications. By applying to a specific job opening, you resume and profile will automatically be listed under the candidate list for the job opening you applied for, and your resume will be reviewed. It is a good idea to check back with us and apply for specific jobs as they open if you are qualified.

What is a source and why am I required to select one?

The source lets us know where you saw the job advertised or where you heard about Brown and Caldwell. There is a drop down menu that will require you to choose a source when you submit a resume via our online response form. If your source is an employee referral (current BC employee) please make sure to list the name of the BC employee in the “Referred by (BC employee)” field. If your source is not listed, please use the “Other” field to note how you heard about us.

I would like to include a cover letter with my resume, addressed to the appropriate individual. How can I find out the name of the appropriate individual?

All resumes are received in a central database and sorted by job applied for and skill set. It is not necessary to address a cover letter to a specific individual. If you would like to include a cover letter, you can type it or paste it in the cover letter text field available in the on-line submittal form. Please note that the same cover letter will be used for each job opening you apply for so we suggest that you make the cover letter generic and do not list the specific job opening that you are applying for.

What if a job I am interested in is not listed on the Job Site? Can I submit a resume anyway?

Yes. You can use the option to submit a general application for general consideration. After you submit your resume (whether for a specific job or not), you will be in our searchable database and may be considered for other job openings. It is important to note that you should not submit your resume multiple times by using different e-mail addresses or by applying more than one time to a single job as this will not increase your chances of being contacted. The only time you should send us, another copy of your resume is if the resume includes updated information. To submit an updated resume use the email address you first used to apply with and the password supplied when you first applied via the on-line submittal form.

How do I know if you received my resume via the on-line submittal form?

Once you have submitted your resume, a screen will appear thanking you for your submission. You will also receive an e-mail confirming that we have received your resume. These messages are your confirmation that we have received your resume. If additionally you attempt to call to confirm receipt of your resume, we may be unable to return your call. Rest assured that if you did receive the confirmation messages your resume will be reviewed. If a problem occurs during the transmission of your resume, a pop-up window will appear with the error/reason for the problem. You will be asked to re-submit your resume at that time.

I submitted my resume through the on-line submittal form, but I'd like to mail it to you just to make sure you received it. Is this okay?

If you received the confirmation message, you can be confident that we received your resume. The only time you should submit another copy of your resume is if the resume includes updated information. To submit an updated resume log back on using your e-mail address and password and choose to “Edit Application”. We do not permanently store hard copy resumes on file as we store them electronically.

I tried to submit my resume using the on-line submittal form, but the Web page indicated there was an error. What should I do?

If you are trying to submit your resume in an unsupported file format, you will need to save your resume in one of the acceptable document formats. Our system supports the following file formats: DOC, DOCX, RTF, PDF, TXT, and HTML. If you are experiencing difficulty, please contact Technical Support at help@brwncald.com.

Will I be notified one way or the other if the job is filled or if I make it to the next step in the application process?

If you received the confirmation message, you can be sure we received your resume. If your skills and qualifications match what we are looking for, a representative from HR will contact you. Due to the high volume of applicants, we do not always send a notification when job openings are filled, however your resume will remain in our searchable database for future consideration. Once a job is filled, it will be removed from our open jobs list.

What is the status of my resume?

Due to the high volume of applicants, we may not be able to get back in touch with each person individually with an update on the status. An appropriate hiring authority will contact you directly if there is interest in your qualifications for the job. If a job opening is taken off the website, it means that either the job has been filled or that we have received a large number of applicants and the hiring department is no longer accepting any resumes.

How can I tell the status of a job opening?

All jobs listed on our web site are still open. If a job is no longer posted then the job has been filled or the hiring department is no longer accepting resumes.

How can I edit my profile?

Once you have applied you can log back on by using your e-mail address you applied with and the password assigned. To log back on visit our Current Job Openings home page and locate the “Previous Applicants” section of the site.

If I am interested in more than one job opening how do I apply for all of them?

To apply for multiple jobs, simply login, find the job openings you are interested in and click on the “Add to My Jobs” button. You will then be added to the job opening’s candidate list. You will see the new job opening posted under your “My Jobs” list that shows all the jobs you have applied for.

When I submit my resume online, who has access to it?

All resumes received by Brown and Caldwell are considered confidential and are only accessible to HR Professionals and the appropriate hiring authority.

Is there someone I can talk to regarding a specific job opening?

A recruiter or appropriate hiring authority will contact you directly if there is interest in your qualifications for the job. You will have an opportunity to obtain more information at that time.

I saw an ad for an open job. What is the salary range?

Company salaries are industry-competitive. Salaries are determined by the level of skill and the years of experience required for the job. More information on starting salaries can be obtained at the time of the interview.

What does "Multiple Locations" mean when listed as the location for a job opening?

Multiple Locations typically means the successful candidate may have the option to work from more than one specific office location within that region. More details should be available within the job description itself, as to the work locations available for that job.

How does the interview process work?

Your initial interview will be conducted by a Human Resources Representative or a member of the hiring team in the department or office to which you’ve applied. In subsequent interviews, you may meet with several other supervisors or managers before a hiring decision is made. Some interviews may be conducted over the phone. Additional interviews may require more than one visit to the office. References will be checked and an employment background check, which includes a pre-employment drug screen will be conducted before an offer of employment is considered valid.

How can I apply for an internship with Brown and Caldwell?

Internships are offered at many office locations. We also offer internships through our scholarship programs. To view scholarships available visit the Scholarship section of our website. If we have open internships, they will be listed as an “Aide” (e.g. Engineering Aide etc.) job or will be otherwise noted as an Intern job. You may search for open internships by using the description keywords search from our “Current Openings” main page.

If I have a disability, can I get help (e.g. "reasonable accommodation") filling out my application?

If you are an individual with a disability and require a reasonable accommodation to complete any part of the application process, or are limited in the ability or unable to access or use this online application process and need an alternative method for applying, you may contact us at 800.727.2224 or  onlineaccomodations@brwncald.com for assistance.

What kind of benefits does Brown and Caldwell have?

For details on our benefits, please visit our benefits page.

Recruitment Scam Advisory

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We learned of a fake job offer scam where individuals are using a company’s name and branding to create emails and websites designed to trick individuals into providing personal information because they think they are applying for a job directly with the company. To combat this, companies are listing their legitimate hiring sites and communication methods. Our valid email addresses end in @brwncald.com. An example of non-legitimate email address is maria@brownandcaldwellcareer.com or anything that ends in @brownandcaldwellcareer.com (do not respond to interview requests or other messages from these). If you are not certain about a communication or an information request, a good practice is to independently look-up a contact for the company (do not use the contact method listed in the request) to verify that you are contacting the right person and not being deceived. Our official job site is https://brownandcaldwell.com/careers/. Please know we are working to do what we can to stop these scams.