Pay Equity
Brown and Caldwell is committed to ensuring a fair process for pay not only as a matter of principle, but because it is vital to our ability to attract, retain, and develop a diverse workforce. Everyone deserves equality, which ensures that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents. The Equality and Human Rights Commission said it best “Equality is the belief that no one should have poorer life chances because of the way they were born, where they came from, what they believe, or whether they have a disability.” Pay Equity is about fair processes and equal opportunity.
Our commitment to Balance and Belonging extends to every facet of our business, including our compensation practices.
Pay equity does not end at compensation. To achieve equality for everyone, our efforts will progress over time through development opportunities, flexible work schedules, fair promotional processes, neutral recruitment activities, and advancing pay transparency practices. The following key practices monitor, identify and address potential pay equity issues in our workplace.
Career Path Framework: To support career progression and a consistent and fair approach to pay, Brown and Caldwell implemented a defined salary framework to evaluate and align jobs to relevant compensation ranges and to ensure that employees who perform similar work at a similar level have equitable pay opportunities.
Annual Reviews and Calibrations: We conduct a two-part process during our annual performance and compensation cycles. First, performance evaluations are calibrated across the company to ensure similar standards apply to all employees. Second, our Executive Leadership team conducts two calibration sessions to ensure our top performers are measured and rewarded through our variable pay programs in a consistent and fair manner.
Compensation History Confidentiality: Our policies prohibit the practice of asking applicants for prior compensation history as a way to encourage greater wage transparency.
Pay Equity Study: We retained the services of a third-party consultant to conduct a proactive privileged pay equity analysis in 2019 that examined base salaries and variable compensation of employees in comparable roles to determine whether there are differences in pay that can’t be explained by job-related factors such as tenure, performance, experience, or location. The findings indicated no systemic pay disparities or inequitable pay practices.
Compensation Management Software: To further support equitable and fair pay practices, we have invested in compensation management software tools to manage salaries through structured pay decisions, to keep current on growing and changing market trends, to access real-time company-wide salary data, and to analyze pay equity.