
A kayaker paddles across a lake surrounded by snow-capped mountains

Readers with a sharp eye might have noticed a new title after my name in recent issues of “Compliance News.” I recently made the transition from Compliance and Permitting (C&P) Service Line Director to BC’s Director of Technical Practices. With this shift, I am passing the “Compliance News” torch to C&P National Practice Leader Liz Wilson. Liz has been an editor for “Compliance News” for several years and will continue to provide you with timely updates on environmental regulations, challenges, and solutions. Learn more about Liz’s technical background as well as her insight into C&P for 2023 in “Spotlight.”

In my new role, I won’t be a stranger to Compliance News. BC’s new “BC Insider” blog will be included beginning next month. This monthly thought leadership article will bring insight from our various Technical Practices and experienced Subject Matter Experts — highlighting leading-edge research, innovation, and solutions.

This month, we have our eye on the EPA’s new interactive “PFAS Analytic Tools” webpage. Aimed at helping the public, researchers, and other stakeholders better understand potential PFAS sources in their communities, this tool draws from multiple national databases and reports to consolidate information in one place.

In other environmental updates, we highlight the following in our Compliance News:

EPA announces FY2022 enforcement and compliance accomplishments

The EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance’s FY2022 Report highlighted significant steps toward reducing pollution and helping overburdened communities.

Clean Water Act (CWA) compliance improvement

This EPA announcement highlights successful partnership with states to improve compliance with CWA permits.

Proposed climate disclosures for federal contractors

The Department of Defense, the General Services Administration, and NASA proposed an amendment of the Federal Acquisition Regulation that would implement a requirement to ensure certain federal contractors disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and climate-related financial risk and set science-based targets to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Spotlight: C&P National Practice Leader Liz Wilson

In this month’s feature, our new “Compliance News” columnist and BC Subject Matter Expert Liz Wilson provides insight into what’s ahead for compliance and permitting in 2023.

As I step into the NPL role, Brown and Caldwell C&P National Practice Leader Liz WilsonI can’t help but think back on my 15 years at BC, as well as my four years as a client. I have been involved in a wide variety of technical projects from due diligence and compliance to remediation. Having this wide view has given me great awareness and understanding of how we support our clients.

Over the years, my stormwater and solid waste background have allowed me to gain priceless insight and knowledge working with clients across mining, solid waste, and industrial sites, as well as municipal water and wastewater utilities. My involvement with a national manufacturing client has been of particular value. I am involved with staff at facilities across the country, fielding questions on their day-to-day challenges, supporting their compliance, and engaging with regulators. This experience has helped bolster a strong foundation of how media are regulated across the country — lessons learned that help me be a better advisor with first-hand experience on valuable solutions for clients.

Looking ahead

The C&P needs of our clients are constantly evolving along with the regulations and market conditions. Our aim is to help our clients be proactive, rather than reactive. As we move into the 2023, there are three areas I believe will be of particular importance across sectors this year:

  • Resilience-based infrastructure: Many clients are facing new challenges as their aging infrastructure requires attention or new infrastructure is being planned for and established. These challenges are often paired with additional considerations such as water management, coastal flooding, and/or new regulatory obligations.
  • Stormwater: Evolving regulations are the norm, but with growing focus on sensitive watersheds and previously unregulated entities, we see stormwater as an important area of focus for clients. We are keeping an eye on state and federal regulatory updates that will affect the process for stormwater management for property owners ranging from privately owned industries to commercial and institutional properties.
  • Emerging contaminants: The last few years have brought increased attention to various emerging contaminants, such as PFAS. From a public perception perspective as well as a regulatory standpoint, our clients are facing challenges. We are watching rapidly changing regulations such as NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) and CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act) and working to help our clients adjust to and prepare for these changes.

I look forward to connecting BC’s technical teams with clients to support strategy, innovation, and compliance in these areas and beyond.

About the experts

Meghan Krishnayya, Indianapolis, is the Director of Technical Practices for Brown and Caldwell, with 25 years of experience in municipal and industrial markets. She guides strategies to deliver client value through differentiated technical solutions and expertise, with a personal passion around compliance; permitting; and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals.

Liz Wilson is Compliance and Permitting National Practice Leader for Brown and Caldwell. She is based in New Hampshire and has 17 years of environmental consulting and industry experience.

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