
February 11 –14, 2025

Join Brown and Caldwell at the 2025 Utility Management Conference as featured industry experts present best practices and innovative approaches to help utilities meet the future of water for our communities and the environment. Whether your organization needs to acquire or enhance skills for the future, implement new processes to adapt to emerging regulations or change how you work to make the most of what you have, we are excited to share how we’re helping utilities to become more resilient for tomorrow. From our interactive pre-conference workshop with practical techniques and tools to support utility transformation to innovative methods of attracting and retaining talent, to bridging the gap between utilities and the financial sector, this year’s conference has something for everyone.

Pre-Conference Workshop

Tuesday, February 11 | 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Empowering Leaders: Tools to Boost Awareness, Inspire, Mobilize, Implement, and Adapt to Large System-Level Changes

Who should attend: Utility leaders implementing new processes, programs, and systems who want to lead their organizations, employees, and communities through change with trust and transparency.
Manon Fisher, Moderator
Holly Tichenor, Workshop Leader

Special Topic Session

Thursday, February 13 | 1:30 PM – 5:00 PM

Communicating Risk: Financial, Credit, and Insurance Implications for Water Utilities

Who should attend: Utility leaders that seek to strengthen your utility’s financial position, address insurers’ and investors’ concerns, and learn how to “control the narrative” to safeguard your utility’s future.
Karri Ving, Speaker and Panel Moderator


Wednesday, February 12

10:30 AM

Evaluating the Impact of a 32-Hour Work Week on Utility Management: A Case Study of Golden’s Pilot Program

Who should attend: Utility leaders wanting to improve employee retention and attract top talent without compromising reliability and service.
Sarah Reeves, Speaker
WED03 – Reshaping the Norm: Making Changes in Utility Business

10:30 AM

More than an Org Chart: Transforming Utility Structure for a Resilient Workforce

Tiffany Torres, Speaker
WED05 – Kickstarting Workforce Transformations

4:30 PM

Unlocking OT Data: A Playbook for Managing Operational Technology Securely for Enterprise Optimization

Klint Fletcher, Speaker
WED12 – Crafting Data Programs: Understanding Your Needs and Data

Friday, February 14

10:30 AM

Save the Avocados: Lessons Learned from Starting Up and Operating a Membrane Facility for Agricultural Reuse

Who should attend: Utility leaders who want to create sustainable, affordable water sources or need new ideas to support high water demands.
Kyle Nelson, Speaker
FRI07 – Effective Adaptions in Operations and Maintenance

10:30 AM

Assessing Affordability Needs in CA’s Largest Urban Water Agencies

Tiffany Tran, Speaker
FRI08 – Addressing Affordability Concerns

11:30 AM

Vision to Action: AlexRenew’s Environmental Justice Roadmap for Long Term Policy Success

Priyanka Saha, Speaker
FRI10 – The Future of DEI: A Long-Term Outlook