May 31 – June 3
BC’s Florida Gulf Coast experts will be attending the Florida Water Resources Conference for the Florida Section of the American Water Works Association. The event brings together a broad range of professionals: engineers, scientists, operators, technicians and management, of all water utilities. The FWRC also features one of the largest regional technical exhibitors in the nation with the participation of over 350 manufacturers and services providers. This forum for presentations and discussions of cutting-edge technology development as well as practical case studies of applications of technology in water and wastewater utilities.
Thursday, June 1
Track A: Utility Management
The Silver/Gray Tsunami is Here! How will O&M Leaders Deal with it?
Rhonda Harris, Speaker
9:00 – 9:30 AM
Track A: Utility Management
Business Planning – A Utility’s Journey from an Esoteric Concept to a Useful Tool
Jennifer Myers, PE, Speaker
9:30 – 10:00 AM
Track A: Utility Management II
Threats No More: A Utility’s Approach to Managing Cybersecurity
Dustin Sayre, Speaker
4:00 – 4:30 PM
Friday, June 2
Track B: Modeling/ GIS/ Computer
Analysis of CFd Simulations of Structures in Support of the EAA A-2STA Project
Angel Gabriel Retana, PE, Speaker
3:00 – 3:30 PM
Track E: Stormwater and Green Infrastructure
Groundwater Recharge, MFL and WQ Compliance via Nature-Based Design at Lake Eva
Anne Redmond, CEP, Speaker
4:30 – 5:00 PM