There are a number of traditional approaches to odor control for biosolids dewatering and loadout facilities at wastewater treatment plants. These include ventilating large volumes of foul air from entire buildings to odor control units, combining air streams from various areas within the solids handling system and employing one odor removal technology for the entire flow, and ventilating foul air directly to atmosphere without prior treatment. Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) and Brown and Caldwell (BC) are working together to adapt innovative approaches that challenge these traditional means. OCSD’s future dewatering system will produce two different air streams in terms of odor concentration: the more odorous but lower volume air from the dewatering process equipment and the low-strength high-volume air from truck loading bays. These air streams will be treated using a biofilter and activated carbon, respectively. This multi-technology approach was deemed to be the most efficient and lowest cost.
Targeted Odor and Air Toxic Control for Solids Handling Facilities to Meet Strict Public and Regulatory Requirements
Authors: David McEwen, Jeff Mohr, Sejal Patel, and Philip Wolstenholme