Wastewater treatment generates solids requiring subsequent processing. Costs and contaminant concerns (e.g., per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances [PFAS]) are challenging widely used landfilling and land application practices. These circumstances are partly driving the re-emergence of pyrolysis and gasification technologies along with beneficial reuse prospects of the char solid residual. Previously, technologies experienced operational challenges leading to revised configurations, such as directly coupling a thermal oxidizer to the reactor to destroy tar forming compounds. This paper provides an overview of pyrolysis and gasification technologies, characteristics of the char product, air emission considerations, and potential fate of PFAS and other pollutants through the systems. Results from a survey of viable suppliers illustrate differences in commercially available options. Additional research is required to validate performance over the long-term operation and confirm contaminant fate, which will help determine whether resurging interest in pyrolysis and gasification warrants widespread adoption. DOI: 10.1002/wer.10701
Lloyd J. Winchell
Pyrolysis and gasification at water resource recovery facilities: Status of the industry
Authors: Lloyd J. Winchell, John J. Ross, Dominic A. Brose, Thais B. Pluth, Xavier Fonoll, John W. Norton Jr, Katie Y. Bell
Water Environment Research
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