The City of Phoenix (City) has negotiated a water exchange with the Roosevelt Irrigation District (RID). In the exchange, the City will deliver to RID reclaimed wastewater form the 23rd Avenue WWTP which can be applied to food crops to be eaten raw. In exchange for the reclaimed wastewater, the City will receive rights to the use of raw water for potential potable use. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) has established water quality criteria for a variety of reclaimed water uses, including irrigation of food crops to consumed raw. The criteria for this reuse include a maximum turbidity of 1.0 NTU.
Pilot-Scale Evaluation of Physical-Chemical Treatment of Secondary Effluent
Authors: Robert Schulz, Jerry L. Frieling, Paul Hendricks, Paul Kinshella, Daniel Raby
1991 Water Pollution Control Federation Conference