Marion County received a Community Budget Issue Request (CBIR) Grant from the State of Florida to address the issue abatement of pollution sources which are up gradient of Silver Springs. The Project implemented a feasibility study and the development of a model for expansion of the Silver Springs Regional Wastewater Collection System and Treatment Plant (using GIS analytical tools) to aid in preventing the proliferation of new septic tanks and associated direct contamination through the removal of existing septic tanks. Such expansion will promote health, safety and public welfare as well as provide a regional environmental benefit through enhanced protection of Silver springs, which is being impacted by high nitrates and other wastewater pollutants. The project area has a high concentration of wells and septic tanks and is located within the primary protection area for Silver Springs, which is being impacted by high nitrates and other wastewater pollutants.
Nitrate Contamination in Silver Springs: Feasibility Study for Expansion of Silver Springs Regional Wastewater Collection System and Treatment Plant
Authors: Marc Walch, Rishi Immanni and C.B. Flip Mellinger