Papers and Reports

Construction is nearly complete on a 1.3- m3/s (30-mgd) water reclamation plant for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) located 32 km (20 miles) northeast of San Francisco. The plant is designed to recycle highly treated wastewater to industry as process and cooling water. Design is also under way for a 0.4-m3/s (10-mgd) expansion to the facility, with construction completion scheduled for 1981. Multiplehearth furnaces will be used in the plant to effect sludge volume reduction and recover lime for reuse in the treatment process. Because of the high level of treatment required, a prodigious amount of energy will be needed for electrical power and for operation of the multiple-hearth furnaces. Presently, waste heat from the furnaces will be converted to steam via waste heat boilers for use in plant heating and cooling and for turbine-driven aeration blowers.