The City of San Diego (City) is currently conducting a recycled water study (Study) to identify: 1) opportunities to increase recycling and reclamation of wastewater for potable and non-potable uses; 2) determine the potential costs of implementation; and 3) establish the optimum amount of recycled water that could be deployed upstream of the Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant (PLWTP). The Study was initiated through a cooperative agreement with the City, the San Diego Coastkeeper, and the San Diego Chapter of Surfrider Foundation as part of the City's application process for the renewal of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit and a 301(h) waiver. The waiver would allow the City to continue operating the PLWTP for 5 years with chemically-enhanced primary treatment (CEPT). The primary objective of the Study is to identify and evaluate reasonable alternatives that provide for potable and non-potable use of recycled water for the San Diego area through 2035. This includes supplying areas within the City’s metropolitan service area as well as outside the City boundaries through collaboration with neighboring agencies. Estimates of future potable and non-potable water demands will be used to size a potential secondary treatment facility at the PLTWP. The Study is an integral component of the City’s ongoing water resources planning through calendar year (CY) 2035 that includes various other master planning and studies being conducted concurrently, including the Urban Water Master Plan, the Potable Water Demand Forecasts, and the Water Facilities Master Plan.
City of San Diego's Recycled Water Study * Demand Management Approach
Authors: Amy Dorman, Victor Occiano, James Strayer, Marsi Steirer, Amer Barhoumi, David Cover, Kyle Sandera, Kevin Davis, William Kennedy and Jennifer Thompson