In southern California a number of Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCBs) have adoptedregulations that require municipalities to develop comprehensive jurisdictional Urban Runoff ManagementPlans (URMPs). These plans require municipalities to implement specific best management practices(BMPs) for various construction, industrial, municipal, commercial, and residential developments. Forexample, the San Diego RWQCB’s Order 2001-01 mandates specific attention to: Operation and maintenance of structural controls Control of discharges from areas of new development and significant redevelopment; Roadways; Flood control projects; Landfills and runoff from sites used for treatment; Storage and disposal of municipal wastes; Use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers; Illicit connections, improper disposal, and field screening; Monitoring and control of industrial and high risk runoff; and Construction site runoff.Many cities have endured the recent challenge of preparing these runoff management plans but now faceeven greater adversity in implementing this master-planning approach to urban runoff quality improvementwhile finding revenue sources that are acceptable to local residents and business. Public outreach andeducation can improve relationships between municipalities and residents, and streamline the ability to fundrunoff water-quality improvement projects through service-rate increases.
California Regulations, Urban Runoff Management Plans, and Their Impact to Coastal Cities:
Authors: Mark E. Williams