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Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Testing and Evaluation

…the similarities, the experience gained at U.S. incineration plants may be applicable to the Taiwanese plants. This paper will discuss U.S. experience of mass-fired MSW incinerator testing and performance evaluation….

Monitoring Well Siting: Crucial Decisions

…ground water sampling program. Many sampling events can reveal misleading ground water information because the well siting is inconsistent with the project data requirements. As a consequence, every well installation…

American Cyanamid Superfund Site Remediation

…treat the contaminated groundwater with a flow capacity of 500-gpm. This highly complex, Superfund project was streamlined through regulatory management, an integrated constructability evaluation, and value engineering that will potentially…

Santa Rosa Fine Tunes its Flexible Biosolids Program

Beginning in 1992, Santa Rosa, California has developed a uniquely flexible biosolids disposal/reuse program consisting of a combination of reuse by land application and by composting/marketing, and landfill disposal. Land…

Santa Rosa Fine Tunes Its Flexible Biosolids Program

Beginning in 1992, Santa Rosa, California has developed a uniquely flexible biosolids disposal/reuse program consisting of a combination of reuse by land application and by composting/marketing, and landfill disposal. Land…