Stripping may be defined as contaminant loss from wastewater which is turbulent through agitation by mechanical means or through head loss. Volatilization can be defined as quiescent or wind driven contaminant loss. Stripping and/or volatilization may occur from most wastewater facilities. These include sewers, conveyance channels, grit removal tanks, dissolved air flotation units, clarifiers, weirs, lagoons, trickling filters, rotating biological contractors, sludge handling systems, aerated lagoons and activated sludge systems using a range of aeration devices. Bishop et al. (1990), in a review of volatile organic contaminant (VOC) vapor phase control technology for the Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF), concluded that data on VOC emissions from collection systems were minimal and that VOC emission rates from treatment processes were highly variable and poorly understood.
Stripping and Volatilization in Wastewater Facilities
Authors: Henryk Melcer, John P. Bell, Richard L. Corsi, B. MacGillivray, P. Child