
BC Water Jobs connects talent and opportunity, because together, we are the future of water. This planned site transition has been in the works to improve the BC Water Jobs user experience including improved site stability and security, new features to increase site usability, and to better showcase career opportunities and industry talent to meet the workforce demands of today and tomorrow. ​


What’s changed for BCWJ Recruiters?

  • A personalized Recruiter Dashboard with your active, inactive, and filled job posts to quickly manage your listings from one location.
  • Search talent profiles using location, job category, and experience level.
  • Keep talent at your fingertips by favoriting resumes with a single click, saving candidate profiles to your Recruiter Dashboard for easy access.
  • The new site will also allow for downloads of PDF resumes when available, and the ability to connect LinkedIn to Seeker profiles.
  • Purchase job packages at a discount and use them as career opportunities open or continue to post with our tried and true $200 single job post for 30 days.

All Recruiters who claim their account or create a new Recruiter account by November 30th will receive a free credit to post a job and try out the new site as a thank you for your continued partnership advancing the water industry. You can use your free credit to post a job at any time.


What’s changed for BCWJ Seekers?

  • A personalized Dashboard displaying “Top Jobs” that match your unique search parameters for job category, job location, and experience level.
  • Search jobs using keywords, location type, geographic location, employment type, job category, type of organization, and experience level.
  • Keep interesting jobs at your fingertips by favoriting jobs with a single click, saving these opportunities to your personalized Dashboard for easy access.
  • A weekly email digest including the latest featured jobs and personalized Top Jobs that match your unique profile search parameters.

This is just the beginning. In addition to the robust resume builder shown below, Job Seekers can also see how often their resume has been viewed and access “Top Jobs” that match their unique preferences from their personalized BC Water Jobs Dashboard.


What’s changed for BCWN Readers?

The daily job posts from BC Water Jobs are a BC Water News reader favorite with consistently high engagement. We do not anticipate any disruption to the featured job postings within our new daily BC Water News emails, personalized news dashboards, or the home page of the BC Water News website during the site transition. The new BC Water Jobs site will continue to promote featured jobs across both platforms to our industry audience, however for the most comprehensive job seeking experience, we recommend signing up for a BC Water Jobs account. ​