Katie Porter is the Local Leader for the Los Angeles office as well as a Client Service Manager and Project Manager. She has guided Brown and Caldwell projects related to conveyance, distribution system issues, water supply, treatment, operations, and reuse.
“To me, diversity and inclusion means respect for all of us as human beings.”
“While Brown and Caldwell is a big part of our lives, it’s not the only part. Our company recognizes that we are humans that function regardless of location and trusts that we can meet obligations to the company, but, at the same time, celebrate and support our outside interests.”
She feels included at BC, because “all activities that we do at work and what we do together are inclusive like meetings at the office, social events, office events, etc. There’s a professional and personal inclusion balance.”
“I appreciate the efforts being made at Brown and Caldwell and the tools that are being made available to all employees such as Employee Network Groups and thorough communications,” Katie adds. “I feel like we strive to keep our staff informed and share information. We communicate often and broadly.”
Transparency through communication has a way of opening doors for employees seeking ways to advance their careers.
“I see other professional organizations that are really just starting to focus on getting more women into leadership roles. Brown and Caldwell has already grown in this area and seems to have more equality.” She also feels there is room to continue to grow and is looking forward to BC’s continued evolution.