Las Vegas Bets on a Sure Winner
Studies on cost-effectiveness, functional limitations, environmental impact, and energy-efficiency determined the best wastewater treatment modification for Las Vegas.
Studies on cost-effectiveness, functional limitations, environmental impact, and energy-efficiency determined the best wastewater treatment modification for Las Vegas.
The City of Albany, Georgia, has faced a difficult problem of providing consistent, dependable treatment for highly variable, high strength…
Today’s large wastewater treatment plants are becoming difficult to control. The sheer size and the complexity of the process has…
This paper contrasts the costs of managing wet-weather-induced inflow and infiltration (I/I) with the policy requirements of the federal and…
The variety of utilization schemes for the withdrawal of methane-rich refuse decomposition gas is quite large. There is a critical…
This paper reviews the results of an acceptance test performed on a vertical shaft hammermill shredder installed at the Pompano…
The objective of this research was to apply a mathematical model to predict the performance of carbon beds in removing…
The removal of humic substances from water is of interest because these compounds form trihalomethanes (THM) and other halogenated organic…
Hazardous wastes can be controlled through the installation of liner materials in a solid waste landfill. The application of liner…
The approval of the Clean Water Act of 1977 by the U.S. Congress encourages the use of efficient technologies–both economically…
With the advent of energy crises and the problem of energy shortages projected for years ahead, a major effort was…
Since 1970 explicit performance standards have been placed on most activated sludge processes in the U.S. The Federal Water Pollution…